初夏樂活趣:⽔上沁涼夏令營_ROOM OFFERS_最新消息 | Gaeavilla Resort




30 Apr, 2024

Rosemary Premier Room, one bed, two meals, starting from RMB 9,599
Exquisite breakfast, Michelin "Satisfaction" dinner + children's set meal (one time each), 2 children's water SUP courses, yoga therapy courses (08:00-09:00), park tour, free hotel pick-up at Hualien Railway Station Second time.
One room, two meals and extra people will be charged extra: the first child under 11 years old stays free, the second child above 6 to 11 years old (inclusive)
3,000 yuan/person; over 12 years old: 3,300 yuan/person.
Rosemary Premier Room, two nights, four meals, discount starting from RMB 17,999:Two exquisite breakfasts, one Michelin "Splendid" dinner + children's set meal, one vanilla Gaya chicken hotpot dinner, three children's water SUP courses, yoga therapy courses (08:00-09:00), park tour , Hualien train station hotel free pick-up time.
Additional charges for two guests with four meals and two beds: the first child under 11 years old stays free, the second child above 6 to 11 years old (inclusive)
5,600 yuan/person; over 12 years old: 6,600 yuan/person
◆In order to implement sustainable tourism and love the earth, the hotel will not actively provide bottled water and disposable supplies (combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving foam, shower caps, etc.), bath products (shampoo, moisturizer, etc.) from now on. Hair lotion and shower gel) will be provided in large bottles in the room for VIP use. If VIPs need spare parts, they can purchase them at the lobby counter for NT$100 per set (including 2 toothbrushes, 1 comb, 1 shower cap, and 1 set of razors with shaving foam), and will not be sold.
The price increase for holidays is RMB 1,650 per room per night, and the price for peak days is RMB 770 per night. Peak holidays are defined according to the hotel calendar announcement.

◆兒童水上SUP課程介紹: 一個場次總共限定為6位孩童,因課程依據年齡層之需求設計,建議6-11歲孩童參與,課程時間入住首日15:30-16:30及隔日09:30-10:30,第三堂課程可自行選擇課程時間。


◆迷迭香尊貴客房: 客房面積 15坪,兩中床房型( 150*200cm),可在陽台上可遠眺遠眺鯉魚山與四周的田園風景!淋浴間裡配備崁入式浴缸,進行香草蒸氣室薰蒸的同時,也能同時泡澡、舒緩身心。



晚餐可享用愛爾蘭主廚親自設計的整全食物「悦性套餐」菜單,使用當季新鮮蔬果與特殊健康食材,為貴賓調配一餐所需的營養價值,除了味蕾的觸動,更是視覺的饗宴;二泊四食可享用晚餐風味火鍋-格雅雞香草火鍋採用無抗養殖格雅雞,湯底無添加任何化學調味香料,榮獲世界四大美食獎「A.A. Taste Awards全球純粹品味評鑑」二星肯定。



◆SOL BAR :19:30 - 20:10、20:20 - 21:00為您呈現花蓮在地最純粹的歌聲,欣賞現場駐唱歌手表演、陶醉在歡快悠揚的音樂之中,品嘗SOL BAR的新鮮特調飲品,享受愜意晚間時光!

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