Holiday-makers can now come here for a full immersion In pure bliss.
Free your mind from worry and help it become clear like a mirror.
It's food ingredients are provided by small local organic farms on a daily basis.
It applies natural essential oils and therapies for the mind to restore the balance between the body and the soul.
Immersed in a holiday-making relaxing atmosphere, which will help you become more stable in mind and clearer in thought.
The once-in-a-lifetime wedding ceremony will be as easy as a holiday event, shown to witnessing guests in a blissful way.
入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」 雙人 一泊二食 新春賀喜價 NT$ 11,880 元/房 二泊四食 新春賀喜價 NT$ 22,880 元/房
演唱會時間為2025/01/18、01/19 - 【即日起至2025/01/19】優惠中! 預訂2025/01/18、01/19 任一晚, 入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」雙人,一泊一食 優惠價 7,600元 / 房 (雙人入住 每位$3,800) + 會場接駁交通補貼
【即日起至2025/03/31】 入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」雙人 一泊二食 優惠價 每房8,800元/房 (即每人4,400元起。) + HRV自律神經檢測 健身氣功或晨間瑜伽
【即日起至2025/03/31】 入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」雙人 一泊二食 優惠價 9,990元/房 + HRV自律神經檢測 藥膳晚餐、節氣養生湯品 冥想精油2組
入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」雙人 一泊二食 優惠價 每房8,800元/房。 (即每人4,400元起。) 實際加入在地的「綠生活」, 探索秧悦美地及干城生態村的價值與美好。
入住「迷迭香尊貴客房」雙人 一泊二食 優惠價 每房7,990元/房 (刷8,000元得核發補助共16,000元) + 晚餐經典格雅雞火鍋套餐 瑜珈課程、 天然精油盥洗旅行組 ※ 此專案限定使用國民旅遊卡支付。
【From now until 2024/4/30】 On weekdays, two people,B&D (one Bed and one dinner)at NTD 3,800/person Shuttle through the quiet and luxurious beauty of the herb garden, step barefoot into the Wanping Negative Ion Forest Herb Garden, enjoy the private