Holiday-makers can now come here for a full immersion In pure bliss.
Free your mind from worry and help it become clear like a mirror.
It's food ingredients are provided by small local organic farms on a daily basis.
It applies natural essential oils and therapies for the mind to restore the balance between the body and the soul.
Immersed in a holiday-making relaxing atmosphere, which will help you become more stable in mind and clearer in thought.
The once-in-a-lifetime wedding ceremony will be as easy as a holiday event, shown to witnessing guests in a blissful way.
幸福在秧悦 婚宴桌菜14,999元+10%起
預約一場美麗精緻的香草婚宴 唯我 唯你 唯一的專屬尊榮婚宴 Your Exclusive Wedding
香草花園戶外婚禮 兩情相悦 緣定一生 幸福的天竺葵風鈴響起,與心愛的另一半一起站在希臘式圓頂的夢幻證婚台前對彼此許下終身的承諾,渾然天成的浪漫氣息,永恆的愛情在此便由天地萬物見證,留下獨一無二的美好回憶!