Holiday-makers can now come here for a full immersion In pure bliss.
Free your mind from worry and help it become clear like a mirror.
It's food ingredients are provided by small local organic farms on a daily basis.
It applies natural essential oils and therapies for the mind to restore the balance between the body and the soul.
Immersed in a holiday-making relaxing atmosphere, which will help you become more stable in mind and clearer in thought.
The once-in-a-lifetime wedding ceremony will be as easy as a holiday event, shown to witnessing guests in a blissful way.
19 Nov, 2020
四面的落地窗敞開,讓美景進入室內! 絕佳的空氣、搭配明亮光線、水瀑的水聲~讓練習瑜珈的學員心更靜、氣更平、享受大腦放空後的清醒!